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  2. LoL Jungle Tier List – These Are The Best LoL Patch 14.2
LoL Jungle Tier List – These Are The Best LoL Patch 14.2

LoL Jungle Tier List – These Are The Best LoL Patch 14.2

January 27 2024, 1:49

By Cielolew

Jungl tierlist 13 12

Jungle Tier List LoL Patch 14.2: Who is the best jungler? | © EarlyGame

It really is a pretty wild time in the jungle right now! Most junglers still need some time to get accustomed to the new map layout a little more and figure out the best gank paths. While doing so, how about you pick up some new champions on the way?

Here are some more Tier Lists:

Jungle Tier List For LoL Patch 14.2: These Are The Best Junglers

3. Nocturne

The Eternal Nightmare

Elderwood Nocturne

"Are you my nightmare, or am I yours?" – Nocturne | © Riot Games

W-why is it so dark in here? — Oh, Nocturne is meta, am I right? … I know, no one except for Jungle mains want to hear this, but Nocturne is actually really good right now! His jungle clear is quite fast and he enough AoE damage to kill the new Void Grubs camp with ease!

Next to that, a lot of other junglers are now struggling to find good gank paths on the new map layout, however our nightmare friend over here has no such issues since his R – Paranoia makes ganking so much easier!

If you plan on playing more Nocturne, definitely abuse his easy ganks and try to bring your lanes ahead!

2. Rengar

The Pridestalker

Rengar bug

"Another piece for my collection." – Rengar | © Riot Games

Rengar is having quite a good time right now, and a lot of his strength comes from the new and updated Lethality items! This oversized cat has always been one of the best one shot champions in the entire game, and he can truly shine during this patch.

One item Rengar loves in particular is Hubris**,** which even got a hotfix buff after its release. This item allows him to snowball so incredibly well, and it also synergies with his passive! Next up, we have Profane Hydra, which is just an amazing new item that helps to have an even faster jungle clear with its AoE passive.

The only thing that is keeping some Rengar players awake at night are the new brush positions. Rengar's whole kit is based on jumping and oneshotting others, and he kind of needs the cover of the jungle to do so. If you got the new map layout figured out, there is nothing that will stop you after locking in this predator.

1. Lillia

The Bashful Bloom

Spirit Blossom Lillia

"I catch dreams so the humans can chase them." — Lillia | © Riot Games

The first place on this times' jungle tier list belongs to the queen of dreams and movement speed herself: Lillia! Lillia LOVES some of the new items, especially the updated Liandry's and Riftmaker suite her so incredibly well.

Next to that, with patch 14.2 we got some new runes and to the delight of many Lillia and Hecarim players, you can now choose to take movement speed runes instead of resistances. This is a huge deal to Lillia, since her entire kit is based on running around people in order to hit them with her spells to land a game-winning 5-man Ultimate!

Lillia has a really fun and effective play style right now, and you should definitely give her a try if you feel like picking up a new jungle champion!

Jungle Tier List Patch 14.2 in League of Legends

Lol jungle tier list 14 2

These are the best junglers in patch 14.2!

Now that we have looked at the S-Tier champions of Patch 14.2, it's about time that we check out how some of your other favorite champions rank. Which of these picks is your main?

Who Are Our A-Tier Junglers?

The A-Tier is still considered excellent. These are champions that you can easily pick and still win games. They're the ones you'll want to choose when the S-Tier are banned. So if you want to climb solo queue, then these are some picks you'll want to pick up this patch.

ChampionWin RatePick Rate




Xin Zhao50.45%8.08%
Master Yi51.16%6.54%



There are a bunch of pretty nasty picks in the A-Tier this time around! Especially Evelynn is an amazing pick in lower Elo, since no one remembers that she is even in the game! Next to her, Ivern looks as strong as ever and Graves seems to be an absolute monster.

Who Are Our B-Tier Junglers?

The B-Tier consists of champions that are good, but won't be as strong as either the A or S Tier — obviously. These are picks you can select in specific match ups, but we suggest making sure you master the champion before picking them in Ranked.

ChampionWin RatePick Rate



Jarvan IV











Lee Sin49.34%16.14%



We got pretty much everything in here. With each of these picks, you can influence and snowball the game hard. Those champs are just not really the tip of the iceberg right now.

Who Are Our F-Tier Junglers?

Do you even want to win? If you aren't afraid of losing LP and ending up in Iron IV, this is the list for you.

If you want to force your favorite champion, go right ahead, but we do not recommend picking these F-Tier junglers in the current meta unless you're a one-trick pony.

ChampionWin RatePick Rate



Yeah, just don't touch those.

If you want to get the most out of your games, you should probably play our S-tier picks or maybe those in A-tier. You want to win those Ranked games after all, right?